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13 Nov 2015

Save more than fuel

The European Petroleum Refining Industry offers efficient driving tips to help you reduce fuel consumption and contribute to cleaner and safer life-styles.

The way you drive is not only important for you, your families and others. It also matters to our environment. Ahead of the upcoming COP21 climate change conference, FuelsEurope, the voice of the European refining industry has launched its revamped ‘Save More Than Fuel’ campaign promoting efficient driving behaviour to reduce emissions. The ‘Save More Than Fuel’ campaign promotes “energy-conscious” driving behaviour. Efficient driving has no cost but only benefits, it reduces fuel consumption which in turn contributes to reducing CO2 emissions and improving air quality.  The campaign suggests 10 easy-to-follow tips to drive more efficiently, which can be viewed at  Check out the website today to learn more – driving efficiently will save you money and lower your carbon footprint.

We hope you will find these tips helpful!

Join the conversation on Twitter #savemorethanfuel and Facebook and help spread the word about the benefits of more efficient driving.  

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