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Maxol Tor Specialsynth B12 0W30

This modern synthetic fuel economy motor oil is produced with special selected synthetic base oils and a well-balanced choice of advanced additives to obtain the following properties:

- a lower fuel consumption

- a high and stable viscosity index

- a high resistance against shearing

- a very fast cold start

- a very strong resistance against oxidation

- a safe lubrication film at high temperatures

- a very good detergency and dispersion power

- a very strong protection against wear, corrosion and foaming

Techincal Specifications
Data Sheets

This fuel economy motor oil is recommended for use in petrol- and diesel engines, with or without turbo-charging, in passenger cars and delivery vans with the specifications as stated below.

- a lower fuel consumption

- a high and stable viscosity index

- a high resistance against shearing

- a very fast cold start

- a very strong resistance against oxidation

- a safe lubrication film at high temperatures

- a very good detergency and dispersion power

- a very strong protection against wear, corrosion and foaming

ACEA C2-12

BMW Longlife -12 FE