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+ 001 0231 123 32

09 Aug 2013

Dunmore Road in Waterford

Maxol has opened a new service station on Dunmore Road in Waterford on Thursday 9th August 2012.

It offers the latest Maxol Mace store concept with seated café and displays Maxol's new BRIO forecourt signage. This service station has been constructed under the latest building and forecourt design using new technology to reduce carbon footprint. All rain water is collected and recycled for use in the building along with solar panels installed for heating water and the general building.

The site is operated under licence by Valdas Kirelis and is an excellent addition to the Maxol company network. In the first week feedback form customers has been extremely encouraging, Valdas looks forward to welcoming you to Dunmore Road sometime soon!

Please visit Picasa to see more photos of Dunmore Road.

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