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07 Feb 2020

Monaghan RFC Hosts Maxol Mini Rugby Festival

Monaghan RFC recently hosted The Maxol Mini Rugby Festival, where over 100 young rugby players aged 12 and under, took part in a series of exciting matches.

The young players had the opportunity to enjoy the festival atmosphere, compete with their friends and develop their rugby skills. They also spent time talking tactics with Daryl Maxwell, Ulster Rugby Development Officer, as part of Ulster Rugby and Maxol’s commitment to encouraging the next generation of rugby talent.

Mini Rugby is the introductory level of rugby, encouraging children, aged 6-12 to get their first experience of the game. These events attract thousands of young players every year and encourage them to develop healthy, active lifestyles all while coming together to enjoy rugby and be inspired by their heroes.

Kevin Paterson, Retail Manager for Maxol said, “We are delighted to see so many young people from across Northern Ireland taking part in The Maxol Mini Rugby Festival which has been running since 2013. We are very proud of the active role we play in supporting local communities and The Maxol Mini Rugby Festival is an important part of this. It enables us to give back to the community, while also bringing fun and enjoyment to children across the Province”

In 2020, Maxol will celebrate 100 years in business and at the heart of local life in Northern Ireland, whether that’s through providing fuel, goods and services for people’s everyday needs or supporting local community initiatives.

To find out more about the Maxol Mini Rugby Festival, visit or

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