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30 Apr 2014

Packing for a long trip

Back in March, we asked our Facebook fans “What 2 things do you always pack in the car for a long trip?”. We then combined all the answers into a handy packing list. So here it is…

What To Pack For A Long Trip – as sourced from you!

1. People – Herself. Himself. The kids.

2. Food & Drink – Lots and lots of water! Some fizzy drinks. Juice for the kids. Sambos. Crisps. Jellies. Barley sugars.

3. Entertainment & Technology – Phone charger! iPad/ iPod. Laptop. DVD’s, CD’s. A good mag.

4. Comfort – Pillows. Blankets. Loo roll. Wipes.

5. Car Stuff – Jump leads and a road safety triangle just in case.

6. “Other” – Disposable potty for the kiddos if they need it!

Luckily most of these things can be bought at Maxol. So if you forget, drop in, and stock up!

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