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09 Mar 2011

Maxol Homes In On Simon Community

Leading petrol retailer Maxol, today (3rd March 2011) announced a major partnership with Simon Community Northern Ireland, the voluntary organisation that provides accommodation, advice and community support to homeless people.

Last year over 1900 individuals and families approached Simon Community in Northern Ireland for accommodation and community support services - a rise from previous years - a trend which may continue due to the tough economic climate.

Maxol’s partnership with the charity means that Simon Community collection boxes will be placed in over 200 Maxol service stations in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Every penny collected in local Maxol stations will be donated to a Simon Community operating in that same region, supporting them to respond and meet the needs of people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in their area.

The company also hopes to raise further funds via a ‘Maxol Carwash for Simon’ promotion scheduled to take place during the summer months whereby the charity will receive a percentage of revenue from selected carwash facilities across the Maxol network over the course of the campaign.


Brian Donaldson, General Manager, Marketing and Retail of the Maxol Group, said: “Maxol is proud to work in partnership with Simon Community Northern Ireland and Simon Communities in the Republic of Ireland. These organisations work at the coal face of community development providing a lifeline to many individuals and families that have nowhere to go at the end of the day. By providing emergency shelter and short-term ’bridge the gap’ accommodation to those most in need as well as a range of support services, they allow them to break the cycle of homelessness. We are confident that our customers will respond generously to the range of charitable activities that we will be undertaking on behalf of Simon Community Northern Ireland throughout the Maxol network during 2011.”<>
Carol O’Bryan, Simon Community Northern Ireland’s Fundraising Manager, said “We are indebted to Maxol for getting involved and supporting us in the work that we do, here in Northern Ireland. We look forward to an exciting partnership ahead with Maxol. The services we offer homeless people and families have never been more relevant than they are today due to the current economic crisis; because of this we are more committed than ever to addressing homelessness. Without the backing of local businesses like Maxol we would not be able to provide the level of help we do for vulnerable individuals".

For more information on Simon Community Northern Ireland, real life stories or fundraising initiatives click, find us on facebook or call Central Office on 90 232 882.’

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