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05 Sep 2005

Maxol to open 13 new stores under SPAR symbol brand

Maxol has announced that stores located on its 13 recently acquired Esso service stations are soon to be rebranded with the SPAR symbol brand, bringing together two of the biggest names in convenience shopping in Northern Ireland.

The move forms part of a £1.25m investment programme by Maxol to refurbish and enhance facilities at these sites, which should be complete by end November.

‘New SPARring partners’ - Brian Donaldson, General Manager, Marketing and Retail of the Maxol Group (right) and Paddy Doody, Director of Henderson Wholesale (left).

The alliance with the Henderson Group, the company that owns the SPAR and VIVO franchises in Northern Ireland, will be in addition to Maxol’s long term strategic partnership with J&J Haslett and the Mace symbol which was formed back in 1996.

Brian Donaldson, General Manager, Marketing and Retail of the Maxol Group, said: “Forecourts have changed dramatically over the past decade along with the level of service and range of products that customers demand. This new partnership with the Henderson Group will dramatically enhance the facilities on offer at these thirteen recently-acquired sites and will enable Maxol to provide a superior range of goods in a bright and friendly environment at competitive prices.”

Commenting on the contract, Sales Director of Henderson Wholesale, Paddy Doody said: “Winning the contract to supply these Maxol sites is excellent news for our firm. The Henderson Group and Maxol share similar progressive visions and strive to deliver the highest possible standards of customer service. We look forward to redeveloping these sites in conjunction with Maxol and providing communities across Northern Ireland with first-class, modern, bright forecourt convenience stores.”

The Maxol Group currently has 41 company-owned service stations in Northern Ireland, of which 32 are operated under a symbol brand name. Of these, 13 will be operated under the SPAR brand with 17 retaining the Mace symbol and two with Centra.

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