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15 Nov 2013


Maxol Retail Therapy Day


Tom Noonan, CEO of The Maxol Group, is pictured with Irish Adventurer, Pat Falvey at The Gibson Hotel Dublin together with Maxol's winning retailers from its TLC Awards 2012. Pat Falvey was keynote speaker at Maxol's Retail Therapy Day. An event arranged to congratulate its top retailers and to provide further insights into the world of Retail, supporting new learning's aimed at assisting its retailers to grow and develop their businesses further in 2013 and beyond. Pat Falvey is a world renowned Adventurer, Corporate Speaker and Team Trainer.

Speaking at the event, Tom Noonan commented, "We believe in the importance of strong retailers who can motivate their staff to achieve individual goals and strive for retail excellence. Pat has given us unique insights into how best to work towards our goals and fulfill our ambitions despite the challenging market and economic conditions. The achievements of Pat are truly amazing and set the very best example for our business".

Since the end of 2012 Maxol has embarked on an ambitious acquisition strategy to expand their network of service stations and commenced the roll out of its new forecourt brand identity. The new Maxol logo is more vibrant and allows the brand to relate more effectively with all customers, both young and old. Maxol's new positioning line "At The Heart of It" was introduced to emphasise the Group's community focused business model.

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