By Ciara Dunne on Monday, 06 July 2015
Category: Latest News

Maxol & DKIT Global Student Project

A couple of months ago Maxol entered into a unique partnership with Dundalk Institute of Technology. Maxol will be opening another brand new outlet directly opposite the college in early 2015 and has invited the marketing department in the college to assist in ensuring that the service station takes full account of the likely requirements of consumers in the vicinity of it.

The DkIT response has been very imaginative and innovative. The college committed to participating with two other third level institutions based in Australia and USA  in The Global Student Project 2015 and this year's activity will focused exclusively on developing an App for Maxol's Moreish café concept.

Above you will be able to view the highlights from the store visit to Maynooth Service Station as well as the final student presentations.