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27 May 2015

Maxol retailers recognised for excellence at TLC Awards

Maxol retailers from across Northern Ireland were recently presented with awards for business excellence performance.

The awards are part of Maxol’s ‘Today’s Local Champion’ (TLC) Awards, which not only aims to encourage and reward outstanding excellence in retail standards and customer service, but it brings an element of fun to the Maxol workplace as well as fostering a great teambuilding environment. Mystery shoppers and online customer surveys are just two of the means of assessing each individual station’s level of quality.

In recognition of the success of the winning teams Maxol invited the staff to a celebratory lunch at the Merchant Hotel, Belfast. There winners were presented with tickets for two for a luxury weekend abroad in Dubrovnik this year and all staff were presented with gift vouchers.

Kevin Paterson, Group Commercial Manager, Maxol Group says that “The TLC Awards is a truly comprehensive and demanding scheme and every winner is a deserving Champion, placing them at the heart of their local community.”

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