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13 Dec 2017

Maxol targets £20,000 this Christmas for AWARE NI

Maxol, Northern Ireland’s leading privately-owned forecourt and convenience retailer aims to raise £20,000 this Christmas for its charity partner AWARE, which provides support, education and information to people with depression, bipolar disorder and related mood conditions, and to those impacted by these conditions.   Maxol is donating 10p from every cup of coffee, tea and hot drink purchased at participating Maxol service stations across Northern Ireland until the 31st December.

Brian Donaldson, Chief Executive Officer of Maxol, said: “We’re incredibly proud of our partnership with AWARE and the great work they do across the country. Mental health is such an important issue that affects so many people and we’re very glad to be in a position to help and support those who need it most at this time of year.

“I want to thank and encourage all of our loyal customers for getting behind our charitable efforts and particularly in the run up to the festive season. At Maxol, as a family owned business and working with independent retailers, we pride ourselves on being right at the heart of our communities and we feel there is no better way to do this than by raising money for this very worthwhile and incredibly compelling cause.”

Maxol has been a proud partner of AWARE, the leading mental health charity in Northern Ireland, since June 2016. The charity, which has been operating for over 20 years, has a network of 25 support groups across the country, as well delivering mental health and wellbeing programmes into communities, schools, colleges, universities and workplaces.

Colleen Milligan, Corporate Fundraiser from AWARE said: “We’re very grateful to Maxol for providing us with fantastic fundraising opportunities and helping to raise the profile of what we do. We really hope that people will choose to buy their cup of coffee or tea at Maxol this Christmas knowing that it’s going towards a great cause.”

Tiffany Brien, campaign ambassador, who is lending her support to the initiative said, “This is a very worthwhile cause. Picking up a hot drink from your nearest Maxol station is so simple yet will make a massive difference, I’d encourage everyone to get involved.”

To find out more about Maxol and their partnership with Aware NI, visit

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