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+ 001 0231 123 32

30 Apr 2014

Maxol Regional Manager, Eddie Devine presents Maxol Mitchelstown Manager Christopher Myers with the Maxol Staff Team Award. Also pictured L-R are st ...

30 Apr 2014

Brian Donaldson, Maxol Group Chief Operating Officer presents Carol Brennan of Brennans Maxol Newbridge with her Community Action Award. Maxol, the ...

16 Apr 2014

The official opening of Kingsmeadow Service Station in Waterford took place on 16th April 2014.   ...

16 Apr 2014

Regional Manager Eddie Devine with Maxol Kingsmeadow licensee Valdas Kirelis On Tuesday 15th April, Maxol opened the doors of its new service stati ...

24 Mar 2014

Colm Brophy from South Dublin Council, Eddie Devine Maxol Regional Manager, Pamela Kearns from South Dublin Council, Brendan Foley and Tom Byrn ...

06 Mar 2014

Brian Donaldson (pictured), Chief Operating Officer of The Maxol Group, today called for greater transparency around the identity of filling stations ...

05 Mar 2014

The forecourt convenience retailer Maxol took part in a nationwide initiative by the food and grocery industry offering skills training to help tackle ...

24 Feb 2014

You might have heard our Fuels You Can Trust advert on the radio… but what does it all mean?   Well, we want you, our customer to know that ...

fuels you can trust, quality fuel
10 Feb 2014

You might have heard our Fuels You Can Trust advert on the radio... but what does it all mean?  Well, we want you, our customer to know that wha ...

24 Jan 2014

    Press Release 23rd January 2014 23rd January 2014, The Maxol Group, is pleased to unveil a new design for its business fuel ca ...