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22 Feb 2021

Christmas coffee sales result in €63,000 donation to Aware

Sales of coffee in the lead up and during Christmas have resulted in a huge donation for mental health charity, Aware, which recently announced a total of €63,000 raised through the Maxol campaign.

Drew Flood of Aware commented: “Aware has seen a significant increase in demand for our services over the past year as evidenced by the 36% increase in calls to our Support Line. We expect that demand to remain high throughout 2021 as the societal and economic consequences of Covid-19 continue to impact on Irish communities and on the nation’s ability to cope with anxiety, stress and depression.

“We rely heavily on the support of communities and corporate organisations like Maxol to ensure that we can continue to serve the Irish public with free support, education and information supports, regardless of the circumstances.

“This is a fantastic fundraising result and we are very grateful to all participating Maxol stations throughout the country and every single person who purchased a ROSA coffee or hot drink in support of Aware and our services.”

The Maxol coffee fundraiser saw 10 cent from the sale of every cup of ROSA coffee or other hot drink during November and December go to the charity, which it has been supporting for five years. During that time, through its annual Christmas coffee campaign and other initiatives, Maxol and its retailers, with the generous backing of its customers have raised a total of half a million Euro.

Brian Donaldson, CEO, The Maxol Group added, “Aware needs support to keep these vital services going. Over the last year, it has been encouraging to see how everyone rallies together when it is needed the most so I hope people continue to dig deep where they can and support charities like Aware who have limited fundraising opportunities at the moment. We are very thankful to our customers for their ongoing support of Aware.”

The funds raised will go towards Aware’s range of support, education and information services for people impacted by depression, bipolar disorder and related mood conditions. Support services include a Support Line, operating 365 days a year, a Support Mail service and Support & Self Care Groups, currently operating via phone in and Zoom. Aware also offers a range of group and online education programmes for adults and senior cycle students, designed to empower people with the knowledge and tools to look after their mental health. For more information, visit

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