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29 Jul 2015

Maxol Sandyford’s TLC Plan shows the proof is in the pudding!!

As part of the Maxol TLC (Todays Local Champions) Retail awards, we asked our retailers to come up with a TLC plan to raise money for our charity partner Make-a-Wish and Maxol Sandyford pulled out all the stops.

Tony Harnett and his staff organised a two day event last weekend, where customers could top up on everything from tasty treats to screen wash, the bake sale and forecourt event raised over €3000, an amazing achievement.

We want to congratulate Tony, his staff team and customers who generously gave up their free time to run such a successful event.

Make-a-Wish also showed their gratitude thanking Sandyford with this  "Sweet Tweet" 


Click the link below to view some photos of the event;




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