

All demo content is for sample purposes only, intended to represent a live site. Please use the RocketLauncher to install an equivalent of the demo, all images will be replaced with sample images.

+ 001 0231 123 32

02 Mar 2001

Maxol Group and Central Fuels Join Forces The Maxol Group has made it's second major move in the Northern Ireland domestic heating oil market in as m ...

14 Feb 2001

MAXOL TAKES ON SPONSORSHIP OF THE NEW IRISH STUDENTS RUGBY TEAM Maxol, the entirely Irish-owned independent oil company, today (Thursday 14h February ...

14 Feb 2001

BELFAST MARATHON ENTERS THIRD DECADE AIMING TO BE BIGGEST YET THE Belfast City Marathon, sponsored by Belfast City Council and Connors Maxol Direct, ...

27 Nov 2000

MAXOL IRISH MOTOR INDUSTRY PERSON OF THE YEAR ANNOUNCED Bill Cullen Bill Cullen, Chairman of the Glencullen Group, which holds the Renault Ireland fr ...